Products 05-05-2022

Dynamic climate chamber

Ideal environmental simulation with dynamic climate chambers

Climate chambers are often used in the scope of stress tests and stability tests. Some tests on goods require the testing of the effects of various climatic conditions on the material to be tested. For the test to be successful, the conditions in the interior of the chambers must be constantly varied in a controlled manner and challenge the sample’s integrity. For such tests, we have developed our BINDER dynamic climate chamber, which simulates various climatic conditions and extreme conditions within a brief time span. From extreme heat to extreme cold, the results of the tests yield concrete information on the durability of the sample.



Environmental simulation with dynamic climate chambers


Our dynamic climate chambers meet current MIL,EN and IEC standards and are suitable for generating complex climatic profiles. To do this, we integrate humidity regulation and APT.lineTM heating chamber technology which distinguishes itself by quick reaction times and precise humidity sensors. The temperature is regulated with powerful heating and cooling technology; while the preheating chamber naturally ensures uniform test conditions in the chamber. Our technology makes it possible to guarantee temperatures in the range of -40 to 180 degrees Celsius within a short time. In addition, our dynamic climate chambers use a controller that provides memory space for 25 programs with up to one hundred process steps each.



Convenient operation


BINDER environmental simulation chambers are available in four series labeled MK, MKF, MKT and MKFT. With capacities of 60 to 720 liters (1.9 to 25.4 cu.ft), BINDER Series  dynamic climate chambers are particularly well suited to cyclical temperature tests. If performing complex climate tests with frequent changes is the chamber's primary function, we recommend the dynamic climate chamber. This model supports a temperature range from -40 to 180 degrees Celsius as well as humidity regulation. If material behavior at colder temperatures must be tested, the Series and dynamic climate chambers, which cover temperatures ranging from -70 to 180 degrees Celsius, are appropriate. We are happy to consult with laboratories and interested parties about the opportunities BINDER dynamic climate chambers offer in day-to-day operations. Particularly in the automobile and metals industries as well as in space flight, the user-friendly environmental simulation chamber levels the path to carrying out testing procedures.



Overview of all dynamic climate chambers >