

to reliably determine the lifespan of substances

stability tests are absolutely vital

If you are not provided with a precise use-by date, you may end up throwing away a perfectly good product before you need to – or selling one that is already past its best despite apparently not having reached its use-by date yet. To avoid problems such as these, stability tests are absolutely vital. 

Essentially, the tests are concerned with the chemical stability of substances. In food microbiology, shelf-life testing is used to determine microbiological spoilage and, accordingly, the date of minimum durability of a food. Yet stability tests are also important when it comes to your packaging, as they are the only way you can find out whether it is worth using expensive packaging or whether you could extend the shelf life of a food or chemical substance by investing in better packaging.

BINDER Solutions

Select the right product for your specific requirements.

Ultra low temperature freezers

Safe storage for sensitive samples down to -90°C

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Constant climate chambers

The perfect climate for any application

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Cooling incubators

Powerful yet gentle on samples, with low energy consumption

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For stability testing and storage

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Did you know that...

human contamination is the factor that differentiates the “date of minimum durability” from the “shelf life”?

Tips & tricks

05-05-2022 Applications

White paper: Accelerated shelf-life testing for natural colorants in three food models

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05-05-2022 Products

The world of climate chambers

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09-06-2021 Products

Humidity Test Chamber - Essential requirements in the pharmaceutical industry

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