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07-01-2024 Company

BINDER has further developed its management structure. Three additional Managing Directors have been appointed to the management team.

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03-07-2024 Company

Our fundamental goal is to offer a substantial technical contribution to improve the health and safety of mankind

Our mission drives us to take…

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04-01-2022 Products

Extremely powerful yet still efficient!

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03-22-2022 Company

BINDER as a source of inspiration for super hospital

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03-16-2022 Products

BINDER was featured in the Schwäbische Zeitung's "Willkommen Daheim" magazine last year.

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03-16-2022 Products

BINDER provides top-quality vacuum drying chambers, pumps, and pump chambers that deliver safety and successful results.

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02-18-2022 Company

The construction is going great.

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02-10-2022 Products

Maximum flexibility and control!

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01-20-2022 Company


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12-02-2021 Company

"Christmas in a shoebox"

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11-24-2021 Products

WLAN-Kit schafft flexible Arbeitsbedingungen

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11-18-2021 Company

BINDER as a role model: Hungary's Minister for Innovation and Technology pays a visit

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10-27-2021 Products

Optimal products: BINDER Standard incubators

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10-18-2021 Company

COMPETENCE FACTORY II groundbreaking ceremony

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