BINDER Library

Here you can find a variety of useful information on different topics such as BINDER products, case studies and application.

2018-09-17 Case Studies

BINDER chambers are used in cancer research

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2018-09-17 Case Studies

Eternal youth with new anti-wrinkle cream

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2018-07-10 Case Studies

BINDER chambers play a role in smartphone production

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2018-03-17 Case Studies

Putting labels through their paces in BINDER chambers

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2018-02-17 Case Studies

From toothbrushes to tool handles and seals in vehicles

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2017-03-01 Case Studies

Carbon frames for racing bikes with BINDER technology

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2017-01-27 Case Studies

Energy storage devices undergo endurance testing

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2016-10-17 Case Studies

Cocoa beans hitting the spot

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2016-08-17 Case Studies

Desiccants – the all-round talent against corrosion damage

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2016-01-17 Case Studies

Stem cell research in the fight against disease

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2015-10-17 Case Studies

Shelf-life tests on milk and dairy products: Top-quality dairy products

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2015-01-17 Case Studies

Weleda tests anthroposophic medicin in line with ICH guidelines

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