
More flexible and more efficient: The new climate chambers are here

Cooling incubators and constant climate chambers featuring modular equipment options and supporting new areas of application.

The KB, KB PRO, KBF, and KBF PRO product lines have been completely overhauled and refined. Covering a wide range of applications, they are ideal for use in microbiology as well as in pharmaceutical quality assurance. The new PRO units add solutions for freeze-thaw stability testing, photostability testing, battery testing, and plant growth to the range of applications. 

The modular equipment options are central elements of the new unit series. Taking a series product as a base unit, customers can build their own completely customized climate chamber or refrigerated incubator in accordance with the modular principle. 

High performance and flexible options

With a temperature range from -20 degrees Celsius to +100 degrees Celsius, a humidity range from 10% to 98% relative humidity, an ergonomically adjustable controller, and an LED status display indicating the operating status at a glance, the new refrigerated incubators and constant climate chambers deliver increased flexibility and new application options combined with optimum performance. 

An extensive range of accessories provides the perfect complement to BINDER’s constant climate chambers and cooling incubators, enabling them to be customized to meet customers’ individual requirements. Flexibility is guaranteed in the long term. All the modular equipment options – light modules, CO2 gassing modules, and racks with telescopic rails – can be retrofitted at any time.  This means that if requirements change after a purchase has been made (if different applications need to be supported or the unit is to be used in a different area), the units can be reconfigured and remain usable for many years to come.


Energy efficient and environmentally friendly

The new units significantly reduce operating costs and enable users to work better, faster, and more effectively. They consume up to 40% less energy than their predecessor models. What’s more, as they run on climate-neutral refrigerants compliant with the new EU F-gas Regulation, they make a positive contribution to protecting the environment. The new units are also incredibly sustainable thanks to their versatile and flexible customization options and long service lives.


New climate chambers for photostability testing and plant growth

BINDER’s latest generation cooling incubators and constant climate chambers can be transformed into photostability test chambers and plant growth chambers in no time at all thanks to the new ICH light modules and LED plant light modules, which can be installed quickly and easily without using tools.


To cooling incubators               To constant climate chambers