Company 27/09/2022

BINDER opens doors

Thanks to this campaign, BINDER was once again able to show how diverse and attractive the company is as a production company and, even more importantly, as an employer.

Curiosity was high when visitors showed up at BINDER in Tuttlingen, Germany in September. The “Gränzbote” regional daily newspaper had invited its readers to take a look behind the scenes at BINDER GmbH as part of the “Schwäbische Zeitung opens doors” series. Thanks to this campaign, BINDER was once again able to show how diverse and attractive the company is as a production company and, even more importantly, as an employer.

Large vertical range of production creates attractive fields of work

The guests were very impressed to see what amazing things are being developed and manufactured at BINDER right in their backyards. “Who would have thought that BINDER makes such a huge variety of simulation chambers and works in so many areas?” asked one impressed reader.

The guests were amazed to learn about the possibilities of cell growth in CO2 incubators or that climate chambers are used for the shelf life of medications and for material tests for different car parts, batteries or foods.

Dennis Dill, master punching and bending technician, gave an impression demonstration of BINDER’s exceptional vertical integration. They were able to experience live how stainless steel housings are produced in the modern Competence Factory using highly automated production processes, which are then used to manufacture climate chambers.

“Tuttlingen is part of BINDER” – readers were able to see this for themselves. BINDER manufactures 22,000 units per year at its Tuttlingen site, sells them in 135 countries around the world and, with 400 employees, is one of the most modern employers in the region.