Company 22/03/2022

BINDER as a source of inspiration

BINDER as a source of inspiration for super hospital

BINDER as a source of inspiration for super hospital


In spring of 2022, a Hungarian delegation led by Prof. Dr. József Bódis, Hungary's State Secretary for Higher Education, paid a visit to BINDER. The group of six, consisting mainly of physicians, toured Germany with the aim of gaining inspiration for the construction of a planned super hospital in Budapest.


The contact came about through a meeting from the previous year: In October, Bódis’ predecessor in office and current Minister for Innovation and Technology, Prof. Dr. László Palkovics, was a guest at BINDER. Received by Vice President Michael Binder-Pfaff, Bódis was very impressed by the versatility of the company - because BINDER equipment can be used in very many research areas, including the medical field.


The Hungarian government is currently planning a total of three super hospitals in the Budapest area, which will provide medical care for a total of 3 million people in the future. This year, building permission was granted for the first hospital, which will serve as a pilot project. On the recommendation of Minister Palkovics, the planning committee picked up valuable information during its visit on upcoming innovations that need to be taken into account when planning such a major project.


"Contacts like these are particularly important for us in the current phase of planning, because companies like BINDER, as innovation drivers, are very close to the upcoming trends," says Bódis. This is the only way to ensure that we can plan and build at the very cutting edge, he added. Binder-Pfaff was proud to be able to make "a small contribution to the creation of such an ambitious project through our innovative spirit.”