Products 2021-06-01

Maximum service life and high energy efficiency

You can count on BINDER ultra low temperature freezers

Top chambers with optimal insulation


The ultra low temperature freezers from BINDER have really helped with vaccine storage during the Corona pandemic. But they will continue to be very useful even after the pandemic, as they are energy efficient and feature particularly good insulation, which is rarely found on the market. In addition, the unit functions have a five-year warranty. For the "made in Germany" vacuum insulating panels, the warranty is actually for twelve years.


BINDER has invested a great deal of time and effort in the advancement of its ultra low temperature freezers. Add to that the high-quality materials, such as vacuum insulating panels, which turn the chambers into a very special super refrigerator. The vacuum panels used by BINDER, numbering six per chamber, have a core of fumed silica with the smallest possible pores. The full-surface and thermal bridge-free insulation therefore ensures high energy efficiency, continuous temperature homogeneity in the interior, as well as long temperature constancy due to perfect insulation with a long service life.


But not only are the panels of the highest quality – on top of that, BINDER has added a 100% quality control system that checks the insulation with a type of pressure gage before it is used. This guarantees a theoretical service life of 40 years. However, the ultra low temperature freezers stand out from the competition in one more respect, and that is the patented method of applying foam into the wall around the insulation panels.


So if you are looking for a high-quality freezer, BINDER is the right choice if you want a product that guarantees a long service life and energy efficiency.