Company 2024-06-10

BINDER Excels as a Employer

Over 80 interested individuals seized the opportunity to learn about the company and various career opportunities at the BINDER Applicant Day.

On June 8th, BINDER once again held a successful Applicant Day at its Tuttlingen location. Numerous interested individuals took the opportunity to get to know the company and learn about various career opportunities – all without the need for application documents. All job seekers were warmly invited to simply drop by and get a sense of BINDER as an employer.


With more than 80 visitors, the Applicant Day received a great response and was a complete success. The wide range of open positions, from industrial mechanics to sales coordinators, attracted many interested individuals. The HR department and BINDER management, including teams from research & development, production, industrial engineering, and product management, provided applicants with valuable insights into the BINDER work environment.


"We are very pleased with the great response and the interest shown to us," said Uwe Werner, Director of Human Resources at BINDER. "The opportunity to have direct conversations on-site and present our company was very well received by both applicants and our employees. Some interested individuals even scheduled interviews on the spot, which shows that our Applicant Day was a full success."


Visitors were able to participate in tours of the production halls and administration areas to get a direct insight into the processes and working atmosphere at BINDER. This opportunity was gratefully utilized and sparked interest in many for a career at BINDER.


Catering was also well taken care of. Visitors enjoyed cocktails, typical german currywurst, and ice cream, and could converse with BINDER employees in a relaxed atmosphere. This informal setting facilitated exchanges and helped to lower barriers.


BINDER, known for its top solutions in the field of simulation chambers, once again presents itself as an attractive employer in the region. With exciting tasks and diverse career opportunities, the company offers excellent prospects for both experienced professionals and newcomers.


Visit our careers section to find out about current job openings and apply directly. BINDER looks forward to welcoming dedicated and motivated employees to its team in the future.