Company 2022-02-18

Binder Competence Factory II

The construction is going great.

Construction of the COMPETENCE FACTORY II: It’s all going to plan!


Following the groundbreaking ceremony last October (Spatenstich Competence Factory II), building work on the COMPETENCE FACTORY II is racing ahead. According to plant manager Thomas Luippold, progress is “even better than expected – we are around a week ahead of schedule.”


No delays or problems of any other nature have been encountered thus far. This is true not only of the planning of the project – which is costing EUR 6 million – but also its delivery. Existing buildings are also undergoing reconstruction: two floors will house not only a production facility covering an area of 2,500 m² but also four offices with approximately 10 workstations and 2 meeting rooms.


Assuming nothing unexpected happens – and given the smooth running of the project so far we can be fairly confident that this will be the case – work should be complete by October 2022. The first machines are due to be moved into the 12-meter high building during quarter 1 of 2023. What’s really impressive is that the whole thing will run based on renewable energy. The largest PV installation in the Tuttlingen region, with a peak power rating of 570 kWp, is set to be installed on the roof of the COMPETENCE FACTORY.


Once again, BINDER is not only setting the trend in terms of the investment, planning, and delivery of the project but also achieving sustainability where resources and energy technology are concerned.