"Good Laboratory Practice" (GLP): Your checklist for GLP-compliant research and development
Everything from quality assurance measures, organizational aspects, and precautions through to back-up systems
The key questions about GLP:
What does GLP mean for incubators, climate chambers, and vacuum drying chambers? What specific steps can be taken to implement it? What factors need to be considered? What forms of evidence and documentation are required? And what solutions can BINDER provide in order to help you comply with GLP guidelines?
Our "Good Laboratory Practice" checklist aims to answer these burning questions. As well as this, it outlines key unit-related GLP criteria.
"Good Laboratory Practice" requirements that the checklist deals with in detail:
- GLP areas must be identified as such, and must be separate from other areas.
- Units in GLP areas must remain operational at all times, with this ensured through testing, cleaning, maintenance, and calibration activities performed at set intervals.
- The personnel who perform the tests must maintain a logbook so that the use of units and products, and the functional tests performed on them, can be traced.
- Operating manuals, maintenance documents, and repair documents must be available to consult at all times.
- If you are using computer-supported systems, you should purchase a GLP-compliant unit in order to avoid any conversion costs.
- Archives for storing measured data require appropriate protection, and may only be accessed by those responsible for maintaining them.
- Reagents must be correctly labeled (with information about their shelf life, the date on which they were opened, standard safety information, and hazard symbols)
- Any testing items that have exceeded their shelf life must be disposed of. Exception: The shelf life may be extended on the basis of an analysis. This requires exact documentation and can only be mandated by the testing manager.
Standard operating procedures for GLP must be up to date and clearly visible at the workstation.
The free checklist outlines everything you need to consider in relation to these points, and which units and specifications will help you to fulfill all the criteria of GLP.
Download our "Good Laboratory Practice" checklist now – with no obligation
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